New arrival

It is with great pleasure that I can announce the arrival of Clarabel Iago into the FCC family. Here are the details from Harriet: After lots and lots of waiting ‘Mittens’ has finally arrived! Clarabel was born 1 May 2014 at 8.36pm weighing 7lbs 7oz. 3...

Spring tidy up

The spring tidy up is scheduled for this coming Saturday, 12th April at 09:30. The more people we have the less work there is for individuals to do. Don’t forget this is your club and I do not want to be relying on the same people. Juniors and their parents are...

Annual Reports

Please find attached the various annual reports: Club Captains report: 1st XI Report 2013 Second team Captains report: 2nd XI report 2013 Third team Captains report: 3rd XI report 2013 Sunday Captains report: Sunday 2nd XI report 2013 Junior managers report: Junior...

Autumn tidy up

Club Autumn tidy up is scheduled for 09:30 on Saturday 12th October. Please make every effort to attend